Zuzanna Bokina-Kiełbasa

Counselor at Law

e-mail: zuzanna.bokina@hww.pl
tel: +48 570 580 752


Specializes in corporate services for business entities and personal data protection. Assists the firm's clients in the preparation of all corporate documentation, including the registration of commercial companies and the further registration of changes, and provides ongoing and comprehensive advice on business. Provides advice in carrying out transformation processes of commercial companies, including transformations and mergers. Prepares and gives opinions on contracts, regulations and current documentation related to business activities. He has experience in drafting and reviewing documents related to personal data protection, including data protection policies and privacy policies, as well as implementing personal data processing processes in organizations.


Graduate of the Faculty of Law at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. She is currently registered on the list of legal advisors at the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Warsaw.